Böcklinstrasse 110


At the site Böcklinstrasse 110, certainly one of the most beautiful areas of the city, the R34 Immoblienbesitz GmbH will renovate a Gründerzeit-house. At first steps the facade and the staircase will be stylish and quality fully renovated in order to create the conditions for the remaining grounds of residential property. Moreover, in autumn 2015 plan for expansion of the attic for approval is submitted. Then get over 1000 sqm renovated domination apartments with a minimum size of 116 sqm and five newly created penthouses (120-170 sqm) for sale.

Find the plans for Top 10 and Top 15, the construction and equipment description, the floor plans and the property owner’s contract of Böcklinstrasse.

Customers who wish to pre-register are requested under the Stichwort “Condominiums Böcklinstrasse 110to contact the R34 e-mail.

Here you can see the plans for our newly planned attic apartments.